Monday, 30 March 2015

My Choice (Vogue viral video)

Watched the Vogue "women empowerment" video and read a view point against it also.
As much as I don't/can't/wont/? follow fashion, does not mean I am against it. In my hectic life, when I don't have time to target sales or wait for them, I buy what I want to buy and I may end up buying a Gucci.. This should not give you the right to brand me as a brand freak.. I may not be a brand freak but I will be cheating on myself if I proclaim that I do not notice them... It is my choice to have the eggs poached or eat them over easy... So far, this write up gives you conclusion or even make any sense??? If not, I can keep writing further about how I like branding myself or not branding myself. But that is not what I intend to and  I equally understand your dilemma. Since I am writing this up, I get objectified and so did #Vogue and #DeepikaPadukone after that video went viral..
They would have got out of this mess by simply not creating that video and everyone would have waited for either the new edition of Vogue magazine or Deepika's Piku (trailer looks promising right).. But the minute they posted the video and it went viral because some people applauded, someone has to take the burden of criticizing it and get applauded for it, as well... Not that I disagree with the other view point and I totally understand that Deepika Padukone and Vogue are trying to sell their next brand... If not for them, who has the money to create an impressive ad?? Why don't you give it a shot.. No! You cannot because you don't have the means to and even if you had, you can chose not to.. :)

That is all that ad is about!

In the race of supporting a cause and criticizing the means for it, the real essence is lost in the translations so easy...
In the end, if you are still confused how to jump to a conclusion of this write up (that's the irony that we always seek for closure), I suggest "let go" because I chose not to reveal it. That is My Choice!

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